Surabhi Sewa Pariwar

For the promotion and conservation of Indian culture & Devine mother COW (Gomata) and for the welfare of orphans, needy, helpless innocent souls, Bhagawatacharya H.H Shri Bhaiyaji with public support has established an organization named ‘Surabhi Sewa Pariwar’.

         Food Clothing Shelter Education and Enculturation are the 5 basic needs for every Human but, still a majority of people are striving for their needs and for fulfilling their need of hunger they have to search their food from garbage have to wear torn clothes have to sleep in open on footpaths and are deprived of education and enculturation right from his childhood H. Bhaiyaji was very concerned for these helpless needy people. Whenever he saw people begging and sitting helpless on footpaths with their family and children the cacophony of his thoughts moved his heart but, at that time there was no other remedy but to help them with just some food and penny at the same time he was worried about the repetitive insult of mother cow, which got her very existence from the divine body of Lord Krishna through various Indian scriptures one can easily understand the importance and holiness of mother cow and then can relate that how serving our divine mother cow is the only remedy to get rid of all the problems of our country is facing now this is the reason why promotion and conservation of mother cow is extremely important.

             After completing his education Bhaiyaji got a chance to get attached to several people during the journey for his Discourses (Katha) on the auspicious eve of Makarsankaranti 2014 it was decided to build an organization with the help of devotional and generous people in the pious presence of Lord Jaggannatha in Jaggannathpuri which was then named as ‘Surabhi Sewa Pariwar’. This organization is started for the promotion and conservation of Indian Culture and for the spread and protection of ideology of Indian sages and saints H.H Shri Madan Mohan Malviya has given various ideas for the conservation of Indian culture and his very first idea states that ‘grame grame katha karya’ (as in place to place discourses based on Indian mythology) by following this ideology various religious programs preaching devotional thoughts to a group of people which is called as Satsang, are organized at various Pilgrims, villages, and cities and in different parts of India. And this is how the work in conservation of our divine culture has started H. Bhaiyaji unfolds his ideas and put forth his concerns in front of the people by the medium of his discourses. With the blessings of Lord Krishna (Thakurji), some generous and gentle people hold hands of Bhaiyaji for the welfare of the  country and for fulfilling many other objectives and this is how an organization named Surabhi Sewa Pariwar got in shape and its Goals are as following:-

  1. Managing and financially supporting the Sheds (Gosahla) for the promotion and conservation of species of our Indian Cow.
  2. Focusing on organizing children enculturation camps, youngster’s camps as it is very important to uncultured children for the conservation of Indian divine characters and ideology.
  3. To organize discourses and devotional gatherings (satsang) in important Pilgrims, villages, cities and various parts of India for the conservation of Indian culture and promoting Clean India Movement by doing cleanliness in these Pilgrims with the help of fellow tourists gathered for the discourse.
  4. Giving importance to the social works like planting trees and promoting there growth, working for pollution free India, freedom from bad habits, health, education for all, promoting Literacy, mass wedding, etc.
  5. Organizing Blood Donation Camps, Ophthalmology Camps, and various Diagnosis camps for social welfare.
  6. Organizing Yoga and Pranayam camps for the proper diagnosis of various disorders.
  7. Providing services to orphans, needy and unemployed people and providing education to their children thereby rising Poverty Free India.
  8. Helping the crises –hit fellow beings at the time of any Natural calamities like floods, famine, storms etc. and financially supporting the needy people.
  9. To distribute food and clothes etc. to needy people, saints and sages.

With all the above listed pious goals ‘Surabhi Sewa Pariwar’ is slow and steadily stepping forward. Bhagwat Gita states ‘Vasudev Sarvam’ (as in God is Omnipresent) keeping this in mind, we should all  join Surabhi Sewa Pariwar with body mind and wealth to Raise our Nation and thereby contributing in the rising of Dream Nation India by following the ideology  of saints and sages of our mother nation INDIA.